Australia Moving Checklist

We understand that you’ll want your move to Australia to go as smoothly as possible, which is why here at Clockwork Removals, we have put together a printer friendly guide as a detailed checklist of each individual stage of planning, preparing and carrying out your move – ensuring nothing is forgotten.

This detailed, printable guide will help you to keep on top of all the tasks you need to complete for your move. you’ll be in full control, so it’s time to get excited about your new life in Australia whether you’re moving business or moving homeCall us today for more information.

As early as possible:

  • Ensure that your passports are in date and are valid; if they are not then you need to apply.
  • Obtain the appropriate visa for your move to Australia.
  • Read up on culture, customs and general information about the country.
  • Begin sorting through your possessions, you will be charged for shipping by the amount so ensure you only take the things you definitely want. Doing this earlier will make things easier further down the line.

6 weeks in advance:

  • Make short term arrangements for accommodation if you aren't moving into a new place straight away.
  • When you know the date of your move, you can book your flight over.
  • Ask your dentist and doctor to provide medical records for you to take over.
  • Check that you qualify for Medicare and plan any extra insurance to cover extra costs.
  • Obtain a copy of your child’s school record to ensure their education isn't affected.

4 weeks before:

  • Cancel subscriptions to newspapers, magazines and the gym.
  • Contact Royal Mail to set up mail redirection for your new address.
  • Put in place for any moving insurance you need for your possessions.
  • Speak to us to go over the details of your move and double check the arrangements made.

2 weeks in advance:

  • Organise any storage you need with us and prepare the items.
  • Pay your outstanding utility bills and close the accounts.
  • Tell family and friends of your change of address details so they know how to reach you.
  • Transfer or close your bank account.

1 week in advance:

  • Check in with your removals manager at Clockwork Removals.
  • Clean, pack and label your belongings to make moving into your new home easier.
  • Change your money to Australian dollars.

A few days in advance:

  • Gather up your hand luggage, important medication and any important paperwork – this includes your passport!
  • Inform your neighbours of the move so they aren't surprised by all the commotion on the day.

On the day:

  • Inform your neighbours of the move so they aren't surprised by all the commotion on the day.


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