Our Euro 2020 Top Three

Where to Move? 

With Euro 2020 at the quarter final stages things are really starting to get exciting and some of Europe’s most popular holiday destinations are among the final eight. With this in mind we have been having a think about where we might like to move to among these successful countries. Would we be drawn to the delicious delicacies of Belgium and Italy or just stick on home turf with the new tournament favourite England? Here are our top three.


When we think of Switzerland we invariably think of chocolate, mountains and banks…. Which is a great start when choosing somewhere to relocate! Sitting consistently high on the annual global quality of life index Switzerland is an allrounder when it comes to high living standards. Swiss salaries are among the highest in the world and with low unemployment and great working conditions it is a no brainer if you are thinking of relocating for work. High salaries invariably lead to high living costs including food and rent. To balance this out Switzerland also boasts exceptional state funded schools and an enviable healthcare system. With the stunning Swiss Alps on your doorstep and an active outdoor lifestyle we are struggling to think of a reason not to move there!


Also, consistently high scoring on the global quality of life index, there is a lot more to Denmark than just Lego (and football!). It is well documented that the Danish are among the happiest people on earth and this is, apparently, all down to them worrying less than the rest of us. This happiness might be down to the nation’s amazing emphasis on equality or “Janteloven”; encouraging the good of the collective over the good of the few. With that in mind it is worth pointing out that Danish taxes are much higher than other parts of Europe but healthcare and education are both excellent and free! So, we think this sort of evens things out?


Spain is still firmly the most popular destination for Brits relocating abroad. The beautiful beaches and warm Mediterranean climate are undeniably the top reasons for individuals and families to relocate to Spain. But this isn’t the only reason. Spain also boasts a great emphasis on work life balance with a slower and more relaxed pace to life and the wonderful siesta might have something to do with that! Spain has a longer life expectancy than the UK as well and their deliciously healthy diet of fresh seafood, vegetables and oils is a real contributing factor to this …and maybe the Siesta too?!

If you are looking to relocate, whether it is in Europe or internationally get in touch with our dedicated relocation team today on 0800 328 4166.


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