Top 5 Reasons for Moving to Scotland


Burns Night


Clockwork Removals was founded in Scotland and as a tribute to our Scottish roots before 2015’s impending Burns Night, we thought we would put together our favourite reasons to escape north to this bonnie land.


  • The Great Outdoors – Scotland is home to 1100km of dramatic coastline, hundreds of ancient castles and remote islands and an abundance of breathtaking scenery from the beautiful borders countryside to the rugged Highlands. Discover some of the country’s secluded beaches in summer and head up to the Cairngorms for Ski season in winter; it is all about the great outdoors in Scotland!


  • Whisky – This delicious amber liquid is synonymous with Scotland and is certainly one of the things the country is best known for. Scotland’s love affair with Whisky started in the 15th Century and they have been making it ever since and now has 98 active malt distilleries from the peaty Islay liquor to the more honeyed hues of the Speyside malt.


  • Northern Lights – The Aurora Borealis is a natural phenomenon that has fascinated mankind for millennia. The best place for viewing this wonder is in Scotland, especially towards the Caithness Coast, Orkney and Shetland Isles and Outer Hebrides. If this colourful night sky of “Merry Dancers” intrigues you, pack up and head north!


  • Culinary Delights – Forget deep fried mars bar and Irn Bru, Scotland has Michelin stared restaurants and delicious eateries dotted throughout the country. Scotland is proud of its high quality local produce including; fresh seafood, Aberdeen Angus steaks and sweet treats like tablet, so make sure you check out a local farmers market or a quintessentially Scottish restaurant.


  • The Sense of Humour – There is no denying the Scots are well known for a wicked sense of humour and the jolly Scotsman is a characterisation of the nation which isn’t far from the truth. The Edinburgh Fringe is the world’s largest arts festival which centres on comedy and was the birthplace of many of the nation’s best know comedians.


Wherever you are having your haggis neaps and tatties this Burns Night, Clockwork Removals wish you a “Gude” Burns Night.



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